Imagenet: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Image Database
2009년 Princeton Univ에서 만든 image database에대한 논문입니다.
- Motivation
We believe that a large-scale ontology of images
is a critical resource for developing advanced, large-scale content-based image search and image understanding algorithms, as well as for providing critical training and benchmarking data for such algorithms.
- Goal
Our goal
is to show that ImageNet can serve as a useful resource for
visual recognition applications such as object recognition,
image classification and object localization.
[Properties of Imagenet]
1. Scale
- ImageNet aims to
contain in the order of 50 million cleanly labeled full resolution images (500-1000 per synset).
- The current 12 subtrees consist of a total of 3.2 million cleanly annotated images spread over 5,247 categories.
2. Hierarchy
- ImageNet organizes the different classes of
images in a densely populated semantic hierarchy.
3. Accuracy
- have variable appearances, positions, view points, poses as well as background clutter and occlusions.
[Constructing ImageNet]
1. Collecting Candidate Images
- ImageNet aims to eventually offer 500-1000
clean images per synset.
- Collect candidate images from the Internet by querying several image search engines.
2. Cleaning Candidate Images
- Used AMT.